Sample Excerpts: Stabbed In The Expectations - Part 1

"NO YOU!", Krysti yelled at Onideus.

"YOU DO IT!", she continued on.

"Because you don't have the stomach for it? I thought that form didn't have the ability to even feel fear."

Krysti's hair suddenly turned white as she lunged out at Onideus, slamming him into the wall as her hand became increasingly cat-like, her claws growing right into his neck.

"How much fear can you pull from an endless well of pain? How much hurt can twist into you like a knife?", she growled as her claws penetrated Onideus's white skin as black blood slowly trickled down from his neck.

Onideus only laughed in response as he gave a sickly looking grin and replied, "Enough that I can no longer feel either for myself."

"Out of desire... distaste... despair... dejection... or is what you dread within your deathless disposition? Are you afraid to feel the pain of your own end, you autophobic insect?", she growled on.

Onideus cocked his head slightly in response, before exploding out from the wall in a thick cloud of blackened ash that hovered about in the air above Krysti.

"The only emotion I have left is the fear I find in others and the only means I have to express that emotion is with my physical form. My very being is fear made manifest, my body has become nothing more than a terrifying potential of reality warping destruction. Do you know what your fear looks like, Flutter Puff?", Onideus's voice boomed from the ash cloud as it began to churn over within itself, turning from an empty black into a dark red as plumes of bright scarlet looking ash glistened across the surface. Slowly two glowing red eyes glared out from the cloud with an accusing look centered directly at Krysti.

"This... what is...", she couldn't continue on as she clutched at her chest in pain, her hair now taking on a deathly white glow as she dropped to the floor in painful agony.

"Infected... you, you poi-", she was cut off as Onideus continued on, "Poisoned you?! You think that pain your feeling right now, that pain twisting deep into your heart, you think that darkness is poison?

Onideus began laughing as he reformed into his usual state. He slowly walked over to Krysti, still crumpled over in agony and put his arm over her.

"I understand now... I know why you can't do it... I know the fear inside yourself, the thing you had to kill all away in order to break free, to escape that endless, empty prison of pain."

Krysti could only mutter a painful whimper in reply as tears began to well up around her eyes.

"Well... I suppose I'll get going then, don't want to leave them all waiting... enjoy the pain of your fear, Flutter Puff. Because even if you can't feel fear, you can still feel the agony left within the wake of it. I'll release my grip on your fumbling feelings after I get done with Calaphandra. I want you to know her pain, I want you to feel what you're making me do to her, because there's no way I'm doing this alone, you selfish bitch!" he sneered angrily into her ear as she suffered on in tormented agony.