Sample Excerpts: Onideus Monologue

Onideus went on, "You humans, you fear the dark. Darkness shutting out your senses, unable to know where you are or what's around you, the less humans know, the more they fear. Not just perceptually, but psychologically as well. Uncertainty breeds terror within the last gasps of your ability to reason.

That creeping void lurking inside you, slowly enveloping your feelings of guilt, remorse, self-loathing, denial, insecurity, lack of confidence, regret... everything that makes you weak, everything you can't stand to look at within yourself. You try and hide it in the dark where you can't see it. Try to push it all away where you don't have to think about it. But it's still there, seething inside the void within you. Is it growing? Is it getting worse? Is it going to break free? Is it going to consume you? The uncertainty of it all brings about fear, in turn creating stress and slowly breaking your body down. A sort of degenerative psychological sickness of your own making. Your own fear eating you alive.

And hiding in the dark like that; you can't see where to go. If you can't see where to go, you can't get anywhere. You sacrifice direction for fleeting comfort. You cut away your will and want for the sake of attempting to attain aimless aegis; some semblance of ignorant bliss where your life can rot away in relative comfort and ease of mind.

You asked me about who I am and the nature of my power? That's its core... the physical manifestations of your fears, the ability to become fear made real. What form of horrific worship do your inner demons bow before? What guise will your repressed emotions reflect into me? What form of monster do you imagine eating yourself? What manner of death do you wish me to be? I have no other sense of self beyond the screaming terror lurking within you."