Krysti gave her a bit of a skeptical glance before replying, "Parts of me died... and now those dead parts are continually killing each other. They have to keep killing each other forever in order for me to remain alive."
Calaphandra was taken aback by this odd narrative and seemed to be trying to make sense of it all in her head when Mimkrys chimed in.
"To clarify, Krysti's imaginative sense of self was at one point in love with a creative construct, but in their particular fictional plane her imaginative sense of self was killed... sort of. I don't know the exact particulars, but apparently her emotional sense of self was somehow preserved in that reality in such a form that it went crazy, especially after it learned of its nature... and then after learning what had happened to the fictional construct she was in love with after her death... she lost it."
"Mmmm, I'm still very confused.", Calaphandra chimed in.
"It's a bit complicated, but her uncontained emotional sense of self became an unstable anomaly as it was no longer tethered to her imaginative sense of self. Raw emotion rolled through that fictional plane, nearly destroying it, before she was 'integrated' into another fictional form... one that she effectively killed, by accident, in that reality. I mean, they weren't sentient, it was a fictional construct with no invested sense of self to speak of, but after she was integrated into that body she began to hate herself and was filled with endless bitterness. And so, when ~that~ version of her died in the fictional plane, it wound up creating an identity schism in her real world self. Essentially, as she said, two dead "monsters" began to fight one another for dominance... one looking to preserve their lost sense of love at all cost... the other looking to destroy themselves outright"
"How do... how are...", Calaphandra was clearly befuddled by this further explanation.
"You want to know how imaginative and emotional sense of self translates into our physical plane of existence.", Onideus answered for her.
"I think so... this whole multiple selves concept kind of escapes me. Is it like having multiple personalities?", Calaphandra asked.
Mimkrys replied, "In a way, it's sort of like you can create a fictional construct and imagine part of yourself ~as~ that fictional construct. When you lock your emotions and sense of self into a fictional character you can vicariously experience and explore that fictional plane. And, normally, a person can connect and disconnect with such constructs at will, often many times throughout the day; imagining yourself as different characters, in different scenarios... you create an ever changing plane of fictional reality, one that, like the void space, is an infinite plane. Physical reality and emotional sense of self are both limited, finite constructs with the ability to grow and expand using the infinite planes which bisect them. That growth, on either plane, has an inherent limit, because of the nature of finite planes. In Krysti's case, because of the peculiar and particular circumstances of what she emotionally invested herself into... she can never disengage... either her fictional selves continue to fight for dominance... forever, or she will end herself."
"Okay, I can ~sort of~ buy into that, but how does that translate into... well, what she is now. I mean surely having an emotional identity crisis doesn't magically turn you into a demi God, does it?"
The others had a bit of a laugh at this question before Mimkrys finally went on, "No, no, the God part is entirely separate, but the nature of what you become when integrated with a higher dimensional being is dependent upon your emotional makeup and imaginative sense of self. In Krysti's case, because she's essentially killing herself repeatedly, forever, it creates a kind of endless energy loop trapped within a dimensional containment wake. Her effectively endless power comes from that imaginative dimension where the two versions of herself are fighting in death for dominance."
"So these Gods, they sort of warp imagination and emotion into physical constructs?", Calaphandra asked.
"On a basic level, that's the gist of it. What we dream, what we feel, is augmented directly into our physical forms. But for a, uh... a 'normie' like you, Callie Cakes... well, there's a reason your powers are 'limited' in the way that they are.", Onideus sneered in response.
Calaphandra felt a biting twinge of self-defeat. She didn't want to be the useless one, the cheerleader. She wanted to feel important, to feel needed.
After a bit of awkward silence Mimkrys could see the dismayed look on her face and went on, "Calaphandra... you are unique among us in that your abilities and powers have the potential to grow, to change. Because of the various sordid natures to which the rest of us derive from... our powers are fixed. They may seem to have an effectively unlimited reach... but each one is its own double edged sword. Because of your innocent nature your power has no effective limits... for now. It will grow and change as you do, which gives you the opportunity to control and shape your own power in a way that the rest of us were never able to. We didn't choose our power, but you get to choose yours."
Krysti suddenly grabbed onto Calaphandra, snuggling her head up to her ear and whispering, "The sun still stains upon your window, where as the sun has long since set for the rest of us. We can never be anything but what we've become. Your light exposes our jealousy, in some...", as she nodded towards Onideus, "but it also exposes our hope, in that you can shine in ways that we cannot."