Sample Excerpts: Investigating The Schism

Temporarily merging physical locations in space as a means of transport is not an ideal method of travel.

For one there's matter density to consider, for example merging a physical object into a point of space that's comprised of a gas, like the air we breath, will simply displace it, causing the physical object to push the air out of the way.

On the other hand, if one physical object is merged into another, largely stationary, physical object... well, what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

The answer is phased matter, or what physicists like to refer to as "strange matter". A state of matter that normally only exists inside neutron stars that has the potential to Ice-Nine the entire universe out of existence as we know it.

As such Winderleigh has to be very cautious, especially since corrupted reality is subject to transphasic alterations. When the other planes of reality directly leak into our plane of physical existence it causes fiction, emotion and nothingness to become physically tangible and likewise physical reality can be converted into fiction, emotion and nothingness.

Winderleigh's abilities are largely centered in physical reality and imagination, giving her the ability to create imaginary reality, or to put it another way she can literally bend the laws of physics, essentially turning science fiction into science fact.

Her primary abilities include temporarily merging spatial locations, being able to merge her senses directly into other points in space and even time to a certain degree, as well as the ability to sense the nature of reality and its compositional makeup, including other forms of reality that have leaked in.

She can likewise shield herself and others from corrupted reality by creating a micro thin layer of merged space around them, sending any intrusive attack directly into the vacuum of space.

This likewise gives her limited offensive abilities where she can merge objects into the space above an enemy and simply let them fall directly onto their targets and likewise she can merge targets directly into the vacuum of space or the surface of a sun or where ever else she likes.

Her powers come at a cost however in the form of mental and physical exhaustion. In order to use her powers to their maximum potential she has to enter a trace like state, sort of like sleep walking, where in her body will react autonomically to threats while she continuously rests. At this level though she can only act on pure instinct and can't make any precise or calculated use of her powers. If she becomes too tired she will start drifting out of consciousness and using her powers in that reckless state can result in catastrophic consequences.

Winderleigh generally acts as support/backup while Krysti and Onideus act as offensive weapons of malevolent destruction and Mimkrys acts as team leader and strategist.

This time though things did not go according to any semblance of a plan. As soon as they merged to the location of the reality schism Winderleigh instinctively erected a barrier around them.

"What the hell...", Onideus exclaimed.

"What are we looking at, Winderleigh?" added Mimkrys.

"It's... this is bad... this is really, really bad!"

They had merged directly into a mall, except everything was all wrong. Outside was clear as day, the sun shone brightly but inside the mall it was night. And it wasn't just that the lights were off, because they were on, it was literally nighttime.

This created an incredibly bizarre phenomenon where in the windows of the mall wound up looking like they were television screens as the light from the outside was not directly passing through the windows. In addition to the incongruent lighting phenomenon... there were no people... or at least not any that still looked like people.

"Just ignore all the dead dreams laying about, they can't hurt you... unless you start thinking about them." Krysti calmly replied.

"They've been spliced into emotional constructs! It's like their entire being was directly converted into an emotion and then the emotion was converted back into an incomplete physical form... I can't even begin to describe how horrible this is... it's like the emotions they felt at the time of the schism, it wound up replacing their physical bodies.", Winderleigh went on.

"No, it didn't. Look at them and look at how they're positioned.", Mimkrys chimed in.

The "bodies" resembled a vaguely human form comprised of a shattered crystal like material, many of which were somehow floating in the air. All of them had a gaping hole through the middle of what used to be their physical bodies and they were strewn about like they had been trying to run away from something.

"The schism didn't do this... at least not directly. Something chased after them, it stabbed something into them that converted them into emotion and then when the weapon was retracted that converted emotion was ripped back into an incomplete physical form.", Mimkrys went on.

Winderleigh put her hand over her mouth, she suddenly felt sick as a lump formed in the back of her throat.

"Th-this is..." but she couldn't go on, she was on the verge of tears.

"I know where never is, they won't stay lost like this, we'll set them free.", Krysti said as she tightly embraced Winderleigh while giving her a small lick on the cheek.

"I'm going to find it and I'm going to end it!", Onideus suddenly exclaimed, his voice lowering in pitch as his body seemed to disproportionately grow. Both his arms, legs and fingers extending beyond their original size. His eyes glistened over and took on a jewel like appearance, shining with a deep purple hue. His lips turned as black as his hair and his mouth widened into a sickening sort of grin against the pale backdrop of his whitened skin.

He no longer looked in any way human, but resembled some sort of nightmarish like creature. Suddenly he took off with inhuman speed in the direction of where the intrusive entity seemed to be headed. His movement can only be described as insect like as he seemed to scatter himself away.

"We will end it as well!", Krysti exclaimed as she pushed Winderleigh back, still holding onto her shoulders.

"Right?", she added, looking deep into Winderleigh's eyes with a kind of seditious tone.

Winderleigh quickly composed herself.

"Right!", she replied, swallowing back the sadness in her throat.